“Each dance is a new beginning, a new place to discover.”
—Paul Taylor
—Paul Taylor
From 1954-2018, Founder and dancemaker Paul Taylor created 147 dances covering a breathtaking range of topics, themes, and moods. In entirety, it amounts to a repertory that is extraordinary and unmatched in dance history.
THE TAYLOR COLLECTION names this incredible body of creative work. These dances speak to the natural world and man’s place within it, display love and sexuality in all gender combinations, contemplate iconic moments in American history, and study the spectrum of life’s beauties, complexities, and society’s thorniest issues. While some of these dances are termed “dark” and others “light,” the majority are dualistic, mixing elements of both extremes, resulting in a Collection that continues to exhilarate audiences around the world with its power, vibrancy, and relevancy.
Scroll below to learn more about all 147 dances that make up THE TAYLOR COLLECTION.
PHOTO CREDITS (top to bottom | left to right) Header photo of Michelle Fleet and dancers in Esplanade, Paul B. Goode; all repertory photos credited by clicking image.