

Join us on Saturday, February 22
at 1PM or 3PM for a FREE

Community Day performance

551 Grand Street, Top Floor
New York, NY 10002

The Paul Taylor Dance Company will perform Mr. Taylor’s Scudorama (1963) and Esplanade (1975).

When registering, choose only one performance to attend.
Guests will be ticketed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please register for one ticket per person.

These are free, public performances. However, in order to guarantee your reservation and avoid no-shows, we require a $10 registration fee per ticket. Each $10 fee will be refunded to attendees upon your arrival at Taylor Dance East. Registration fees of those who cancel or do not attend will be considered a donation to the Company.

Attendees who wish to donate their registration fee rather than receive a refund, please alert Taylor staff at the check-in desk upon arrival.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

PHOTO CREDITS  Header photo of audience members at a Community Day performance at the Taylor studios, Whitney Browne.

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